So, I have started 4 podcasts at this point.
Wait. 5? I suppose it depends on how you count them.
A lot of them. That’s all that matters. I have gone through the initial phase of setting everything up/writing out scripts/even recording many episodes for a handful of podcasts.
In several cases I had started right before I learned that I’m going to be a Dad. In at least one case I realized that it was a stupid idea (especially since I couldn’t get permission from the music creators I needed). In exactly one case, I am about to record – this weekend!
One way or the other, consider this post the inaugural post for a blog series that I am calling the Podcaster’s Apprentice.
Topics will include:
- What is the bare minimum for me to start?
- What should I talk about?
- Do I really have to spend money?
- What is the suggested minimum for me to start?
- I have more money – what else should I buy?
- How do I get listeners?
- Why don’t I just make Youtube videos? Or a blog? Or just post on a forum? Why would anyone listen to me?
- How much time should I spend on this podcast?
- When will I know when it is ready to publish?
And maybe some other topics.